LaborArtory # 2 // Cultural management & Idea to realization
Do you live in Eleusis and are between the ages of 16 and 29? LaborArtory, a series of online workshops on contemporary cultural and creative industries still has a few spots available. The program is organised by 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture in collaboration with MENTOR. If you want to learn everything there is to know about cultural event planning and implementation, apply by Friday, January 28. (Send an email to Mr Yannis Koukmas, at [email protected]).
The programme is free to participate in, and a certificate of completion is provided. (First come first served). New participants will have access to the previous two team meetings where important concepts such as art, culture, innovation, cultural institutions, cultural management, and so on were discussed, and will join the team in the project design and implementation as it moves forward.
The team will have the opportunity to meet successful cultural sector professionals who will share highlights of their careers, challenges they had to overcome, and practical advice they have gained through their experience.